'Rona Policies & Procedures
The recent return of Aunty Rona (Covid19) has meant that I have put together a range of processes to ensure we can follow a CovidSafe Plan and am collecting more details should we ever need to reach you for contact tracing.
This means I'll be doing regular cleaning before and after sessions and instead of our usual tiny cupboard at the front of the house, sessions will be held in an alternative open plan area, which is well ventilated (and in which students can be spaced 1.5 apart). I'll also be adapting my classes to ensure students do not share materials/tools and less furniture/surfaces around our workspace.
I'll also need a hand from you to ensure
mask wearing as per latest health guidelines (i.e. adults indoors)
social distancing (1.5m) at pickup & drop offs (markers will be provided), and
parents/visitors remain outside the entrance when picking up or dropping off.
And ask that you prepare your kiddos for a different entry process than they may be used to - in addition to the usual enrolment sheet from you, I'll now also have to
1. conduct temperature checks
2. request you do a QR login (or manual sign in if QR fails)
3. request confirmation there has been no cold/flu symptoms in the past 24-48 hrs and that you are not awaiting Covid-19 test results.
4. request confirmation you/your child are not currently considered a close contact of a confirmed case or residing with someone who is.
Assuming all is well, I'll then be asking students to immediately wash their hands after entry, before sitting down. If you/they show abnormal temperatures or cannot confirm 3. or 4. above you will be offered credit for your class and asked not to attend.
A copy of our covid safe plan can be provided on request.
Hopefully this is all ok with you, please get in touch if you have any further questions or concerns about our COVIDSafe Plan or processes.